LBNL Photo Club
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Welcome to the LBNL Photography Club Website!
Join the Club
Join the Photography club by joining the Google Group!
Request membership to the Google Group. Connect with other photographers, share your ideas! Email traffic is low.
To Leave the Group: 1) use the above link, 2) click on the "person" icon in the top right corner, 3) select "Leave this Group".
Attend a Meeting
Attend a monthly Photography Club meeting, typically on the last Wednesday of the month from 12-1pm on zoom (when you join the Google Group, meetings and events should appear in your Calendar).
Share Photos
Members - create a folder on Zenfolio, upload your favorite photos, and volunteer to show off your photos at a Club Meeting!
Photo by Sayan Gupta (2019 Macro Photo Theme)
Photo Contest Guidelines
Each month, the Lab’s Photo Club selects a theme for its members to capture in images. Members are then invited to submit two photos, and all members can then participate in the selection of the top four photographs that best embody the theme.
Contest submissions are due by the date of that month's meeting
Submit photos (two max. per member) via -- for username and password please contact John Christensen.
Voting can begin thereafter, and votes are due by noon following Monday
Vote for a maximum of three photos
Voting by Photo Club Members only (join here!)
Monthly Themes

Annual Spring Showcase
The club also sponsors an Annual Spring Showcase of member photos.